Same day delivery or collection orders must be placed by the cut off time as displayed on the day they are ordered. Orders placed in the same day section after the cut off time will automatically be ready for collection or delivered next day unless otherwise agreed in advance. Orders will be delivered between 12.30pm and 6.30pm on the day of ordering and recipients should be aware that traffic depending this deadline may extend. It is your responsibility to ensure someone is on site to receive the delivery and provide a correct delivery address and contact numbers. Failure to do so could will the delivery being delayed and an extra delivery charge incurred.
Next day delivery orders will be delivered between 9am and 5.30 pm the next day after ordering but recipients should be aware that traffic depending this deadline may extend. It is your responsibility to ensure someone is on site to receive the delivery and provide a correct delivery address and contact numbers. Failure to do so could will the delivery being delayed and an extra delivery charge incurred.
Standard delivery is made by overnight couriers of our choosing and delivery can be between 8am and 8pm on the working day specified by us. It is your responsibility to ensure someone is on site to receive the delivery and provide a correct delivery address and contact numbers. Failure to do so could mean the delivery being delayed.